
an analog photographic chronicle of the early techno years (1991-1997)

Zeitmaschine means Time Machine and I had the feeling that you can beam into another time while viewing the pictures. Sometimes I remember certain pieces of music or smells when looking at the pictures and they act as a source of inspiration. I tried to take the pictures the same way the situation was. There was a time before the picture, then the picture and afterwards we continued celebrating. My photos are a kind of “visualized confirmation of existence“. The “I was there” effect sets in and the children or grandchildren can see what the “oldies” were up to


Press & Interviews

Allgemein seien die Rave-90er wie eine Art zweite Pubertät für viele gewesen. Eine Sturm und Drang-Phase, in der man gemacht habe, was man wollte. Egal ob Experimente mit der sexuellen Orientierung, Musik, Klamotten oder Drogen: Jeder habe nochmal eine Chance bekommen